Ayahuasca (english)

Ayahuasca is a spirit originale from the jungles of South America. She accompanies mankind for thousands of years during the journey through the inner darkness. Like a mother, she has been teaching an invaluable wisdom that helped him survive until today. We can see her as a powerful feathered serpent, emerged from the earth and water and air that hovers roaring fire.


Restricted and isolate since the European conquests in privileged spots, mainly maintained by elite shamans with the intention of transmitting her pure, in these times she has gained momentum and has begun to extend to a larger number of hearts.

The spirit that invaded her 500 years ago, had a personality related to metal, cement, plastic and comfort. Also a very old snake that fed entire civilizations isolating them from their mother earth and destroying jungles and forests. He implacable came to America building cold cities for confused humans. Civilization, development and technology were his bait. A dark flow that permeates superiority, competition and fear.


So then we came to a world bathed of forces that sting subtly and imperceptibly unto desperate levels. Consequently, we learn an identity that separates our pure perception of reality, from our experiences as such. We can’t see therefore the cloud that creeps through our emotions and tell us stories that drags us into madness and nonsense. So then we live in the dark.

And this night burns. This sleep torments. Life goes on swift, squeezing to whom get carried away. This drunkenness weighs. And the weight that oppresses it is recognized as an urgency to assert a personal name, to leave an indelible mark in existence, with the ambition to build the absurd tower of Babel. We have nothing to be unhappy. But what suffocates us?

And when we look, the surprise strikes: The heat that prevails under the hell into which we sink persuaded by the language of the silver snake is the same energy of the Feathered Serpent, who comes to rescue us. Both snakes are intertwined as if they were fighting, but completely interconnected. The alleged fight between civilization and nature, was only a dance between existences so different but so alike.


What hurts us is what drives us. What is heavy to us is what puts us free. What we suffer is the wings that teach us to fly. Everything that makes visible our mistakes, is a gift.

So we understand why ayahuasca squeezes from our darkness, alerting us to kindle a light that is ours by nature. We understand the jolt we experience in our lives, cornered by two diametrically opposed forces. We also understand why a simple tea is so magnificent that diametrically change our lives.

The power of the jungle is already planting roots in many hearts. The healing of our wounds caused by our self-centered identity, is felt like a refreshing pampering that tunes our character. Embryos of joy are strategically distributing themselves, shaking the sleeping ones and prodding half awake ones. Amid the storm, peace is infiltrating. Flowering is into us so we can celebrate that finally it’s spring to consecrate the dawn.

We will soon see that despite any destructive movement that might isolate the human being, despite the metal, cement, plastic and comfort, despite this asphalt that kills trees, this place where we are standing is still jungle, the power of the jungle owns everything. The jungle is still growing here, imperceptibly. The coldness of the city has been unable to stifle the brightness of the feathered serpent that now pervades our souls. Nothing absurd has dominion, as we continue within the Mother. Here we drink her nectar and vibrate because her love.

And here we continue, then walking.


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